Telugu film star and Jana Sena Party chief Pawan Kalyan on Thursday announced that he would contest the Assembly election in 2019, but did not reveal the choice of his seat. "I don't know if I will win or lose, whether you will vote for me or not. But I will continue my fight for you. I will always stand by you and fight against people's problems," he said while addressing a public rally in Anantapuramu this evening. The rally was part of Jana Sena's programme to muster people's support for the cause of special category status to the state. Mr Kalyan, who recently announced that he would enrol as a voter in Eluru town in his native West Godavari district, said he would soon inaugurate Jana Sena's first office in Anantapuramu. Mr Kalyan, who launched Jana Sena on the eve of 2014 elections, did not jump into the electoral arena, but lent support to the TDP-BJP combine and aided in its victory in Andhra Pradesh. Although he did not build his party ...